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How to Plan a Brand Strategy to Grow Your Business in 2023



This is the first article of 2023 and we're so excited to get started this year - to keep sharing Brand & Business tips to help you launch or grow your business in 2023. If you're sitting there wondering HOW to really align your thoughts into a concrete plan and vision for your brand, keep reading as we will go through the basics on how to get started and plan your strategy. Let's narrow down the 3 KEY AREAS you need to get clear about, in order to plan out your business strategy for 2023. Grab a pen and paper (or open a google doc!) and let’s get started.


Take a moment to imagine & write down how you see your business operating in 1 year from now, let’s say in January 2024. Think about how much monthly income you will be making then, how many customers you will be servicing, the type of projects you will be working on or products you will be making. I invite you to imagine the team you plan on growing to help you run your business. Do you see yourself with a virtual assistant to help lighten your load, or a marketing team to work alongside you and propel your brand forward. Or perhaps you plan to open a new branch of your business in another city and train a whole team there.

Write down the kind of days you imagine yourself having and the type of work you will be doing (and delegating) on a daily basis.  It's important for you to really sit with this and make sure each piece of your business vision feels good for you in the long term. Once you feel comfortable and aligned with what you are imagining, write down everything you envision for each part of your business.


The next very important thing to look at is your strides from 2022. What are the good decisions and growth you experienced last year and also what were the lessons learned and perhaps things you don't wish to bring forward. We often skip over to the next goal without really stopping to think about all the incredible things we accomplished and I invite you to do just that. You’ve been working so hard, you’ve had some wins and some losses. But the most important thing is you are out there DOING & Growing! So give yourself gratitude for being so amazing and now let’s take the data and put it to use. 

Take a look at your growth - what areas did you put your energy into and brought you definitive results. Write those down. Then do the opposite and see what areas you worked on but didn’t bring the results you hoped. Now you can establish which areas you would like to focus on in 2023 and utilize the things you’ve learned from last year. For example, if you have been pouring a lot of energy into social media and that area is growing and you are seeing new leads come onto your website from there. Great! The next thing may be to refine your website to ensure more of those leads become clients.  On another note if you see that you’ve been struggling with instagram and have not seen an ROI, but can also see that you've put in minimal efforts, perhaps it's time to bring on someone to help you in that area.


Now, I invite you to divide your year into 4 sections from Q1 to Q4.  Each quarter is 3 months and in those three months you can add the following goal types.

  1. Product or Service Launch

  2. Business growth project

  3. Team growth

It’s important not to overload your small business with too many goals right off the bat. You may get overwhelmed and not get anything done properly. Instead I invite you to make 3 goals every 3 months.

For example, for Bloom we have the following goals in Q1 of 2023.

  1. Launch our new offering : Holistic Evergreen Content Marketing

  2. Business growth project : Build out our new Evergreen Funnel

  3. Team growth : Prepare our new team SOP manual

Those are our 3 main business goals for the first quarter. It’s not crazy overwhelming and it is completely do-able.  Of course, we have many smaller goals that come in between - each week for our team and for our clients. But essentially, for the overall business growth strategy, it’s important to keep things clear and simple.


Hopefully, this was able to give you some insight into how to prepare your brand strategy to grow your business in 2023! If ever you need more assistance on this front and can’t seem to get that clarity you’re looking for - we can help you one-to-one with a Brand Strategy Session.  This is where it will help entrepreneurs narrow down a business idea and plan a launch on a specific product or service, or we can go broad and look at the brand as a whole. We would love to help guide you through this process, so reach out to us to tell us your story and what your vision is for 2023 and beyond. 

If you’re just starting out your brand journey and would like to have some guidance on Branding - we have an amazing Freebie that gives our 30-step process to launching a brand. You can get your copy here! (at the link in the shownotes)

And lastly, we know many of you are looking to design or revamp your branding or website this year! We would love to help you bring your brand vision to life. Click here for more info on our branding and web design work.

Thank you again for being here. We can’t wait to grow alongside you this year. I hope you really  enjoy and lean into this process of envisioning and planning your business strategy for 2023.

Wishing you blessings as you start off your year.

Ashley & The Bloom Team

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