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5 Tips to Market your Business on Pinterest

5 Tips to Market your Business on Pinterest


First things first, let’s be real - Social Media marketing can get a little tiring - especially having to put countless hours and energy into creating quality content for platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Tik Tok, only to have the algorithm make it relevant for 24 hours and then pouf! It’s off the radar.

Well, did you know that Pinterest is actually NOT at all a social media platform? Nope! It’s a Search Engine…similar to Google, but Pinterest is more visual and helps users find answers to their search queries in the form of visual content. Since it is a search engine, the content you are pinning stays relevant for weeks, months and even years after publishing! So long as your content is useful and current for users, people on Pinterest will be able to find your content easily. We want to show you how to create an evergreen content marketing strategy by using these 5 tips to market your business on Pinterest.

It's important to note that because it is a visual search platform, it is highly important to have strong visual branding, imagery and photo assets before diving into Pinterest as the users are looking for inspiration to fill out their beautiful boards.  Since Pinterest is so different from any other social platform, it’s also important to know that it can take a little bit of time before you see real traction - but we assure you that if you stay consistent for 3+ months, and follow these tips below, you will see growth in the amount of traffic Pinterest will be bringing to your website, possibly (and very likely) out-doing Instagram and Facebook!

So let’s dive into 5 Tips to market your business on Pinterest!

1. Fresh Content is Key!

Pinterest loves fresh content and prioritizes new pins more than it used to. We recommend creating 7-10 unique Pins per piece of content (ie: podcasts, blog posts, youtube episodes, freebies, quotes, recent projects, etc.) Pin them onto your various boards and then move onto your next piece of content. I know it sounds repetitive, but this is what Pinterest loves! So make various different Pin versions of your content. For this, we suggest having a gorgeous set of Pinterest templates so you are not redesigning the wheel every time.

2. Make Keywords and SEO your priority

Since Pinterest is a visual search engine, we cannot stress enough how important it is to utilize keywords in your Pin designs, Titles and descriptions. So for each piece of content, find 3-4 keywords that are highly relevant to your content topic, ensure that these keywords are in demand in terms of search volume and leverage these keywords throughout your Pinterest Strategy. This will allow the algorithm to position your content in front of people who are actively searching for those keywords in the Pinterest “search bar”.

3. Quality over quantity - wins everytime!

Pinterest used to love repinned content, and LOTS of it, but the platform has evolved over the years and now we don't need to Pin nearly as much as in the past. The most important thing now is to really focus on quality content (ie: fresh, relevant with gorgeous aesthetic) rather than a larger number of Pins. You are probably wondering “how many pins should I be making?” and the general rule is that the amount you Pin will depend on the volume of content you have and of course the time / money investment you can make in this marketing strategy. We suggest between 2-10 Pins/day. A minimum of 1 pin a day is not a lot, BUT it's definitely better than nothing at all. So you can start here and move your way up.

4. Make sure your Pins are linking to strong content

This is probably one of the most underrated tips but should be your first thought when working with Pinterest. You have to remember that people on Pinterest have no clue about your brand. They do not know you..and they likely don’t care (yet)! They found your pin interesting, clicked on it…and now they are expecting to land on a web page that gives them the solution to the query they were looking for! So you need to make sure you are delivering on the promise! So look at where these Pins are linking to on your website, ensure your web pages are well designed and last but not least - have something free available on each linked page where these new potential customers can opt-in to experience your brand and get to know you more.

5. Use the Pinterest Trends tool

Pinterest now offers an amazing tool called Pinterest Trends which is so useful in helping you analyze what is trending on Pinterest depending on the time of year. This will provide you with insight into what your potential audience is looking for and therefore can help you plan your Pinning schedule and overall strategy.  We highly recommend checking on this tool every month to help plan your content - especially if you have seasonal offers - like holiday decor or products and services that lend themselves to specific times of the year.

We recommend first using Pinterest as a traffic driver to your website (like organic search) and looking at it as an investment in the beginning that will pay off for years to come.  As mentioned above, users on Pinterest are not necessarily brand-loyal (like they are on IG or Facebook) they are looking for inspiration and solutions - and will end up on the content they gravitate towards the most. Your mission would be to transform these new “cold” leads who end up on  your website, into warmer leads and move them into your brand ecosystem from there. Also keep in mind that the audience on Pinterest is International, so the more that you offer products and services that help people in all geographic areas, the more you will benefit from this platform. So if you are a local business, think of maybe having a virtual offer or shippable products that would be able to serve a wider community too. 

We hope these tips help you to market your business on Pinterest! If you need any support in this area, we do recommend working with a virtual assistant from our team to help leverage your time and bring your Pinterest brand to life. 

The BLOOM Team

> Our Bloom Virtual Assistant Agency Services HERE

> Our Curated Collection of Pinterest (and IG) Templates HERE

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