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4 Steps to Launch & Progress With Your New Business Idea



Do you feel like you are sitting on a “goldmine” of a business idea but have no clue how to get started? Or maybe you’re feeling some impostor syndrome or letting procrastination get the best of you? Maybe you are launching a completely new business idea OR you have an established business and you have an idea to launch a new offering, either way, this is for you. I know how it feels to have so many exciting ideas floating around but being stuck overthinking everything and essentially not getting started. 

So, how do you move forward with getting your ideas out of the thinking phase and into implementation - creating something that is tangible and real? Something that you can offer to real clients who will buy from you!? In this episode I want to share 4 simple steps with you to take if you’re feeling stuck and get that amazing idea off the ground. This is exactly what I suggest to all our Brand Strategy Clients - so listen up this episode is a game-changer!

By the end of the episode / article, you’ll have so much clarity about what you really need to focus on to find progress and get real headway in your business idea.  It’s a 4 step plan to get you started and in the right direction. Let's go!


The first thing you need to do is do the research to really find out if the problem you plan on solving with your product or service is truly something that people are looking for! For many of us, great business ideas stem from creating what we wished existed in the world. And most often than not, you’re not the only one hoping for those solutions too! There is a market for what you plan on selling - you just have to validate this by doing a little research. Oh and don’t be discouraged IF you see others offering something similar in the marketplace, this simply corroborates that YEAH - there ARE people paying good money for what it is that you plan on offering - all you have to do is next plan how you will deliver your product or service to position your brand as unique and different from the rest. By taking the time to confirm that your business idea is truly something needed - this will give you the motivation to get going!


Yeah - this is a big one! You don’t need to go into designing your brand yet, but there’s something about giving your business idea an actual name that starts anchoring it into reality. So have fun with this process…what sort of name will you use? Your own name? Or perhaps you are looking for terms that represent the offering itself? Whatever it is, the name is not set in stone - and it’s really just to help you bring the idea out of your head, and into motion. So have fun with this process, do a brainstorming session, look for  inspiration or even synonyms of words that you love which works with your idea. Write everything down that comes to mind and then, when you least expect it, something I promise you - will stick. Now that you have a name, everytime you think about your new business idea, it will feel more real and tangible.


The next thing you need to do is write out your mission statement. The what, how and why you plan on launching this fabulous new business venture. This mission has to be so connected with your long term purpose that you know it will be able to motivate you on the hardest days (because business isn’t a daycare)! This step is crucial and is beyond important for any entrepreneur to do this for all the offerings they plan on putting out - they need to be connected to the overall MISSION of the founder and brand. Once you have this clearly written out, this will help you get over the fears and self-doubt you may be experiencing. A clear and powerful mission will help to override all the fear-based thoughts and help you to power through and launch your business idea to the world and really make the impact you’re dreaming of. 

If you need more direction on how to do this - click here to learn all about writing your brand mission & vision statements.


Why is this step overlooked by so many people when starting a new business idea? We want to make sure you don’t miss it! As a business-owner, you need to know who you are serving and what your audience is struggling with - their fears, desires, hopes and dreams. You need to know them like you know your own family and friends. Having a clear understanding of the audience you are hoping to attract and serve, will help you create the right offerings that solve your ideal client’s problems and transform their lives for the better.  So don't be afraid to be specific - niching down is incredibly important. This will really help you refine your business idea so that it is truly in alignment with the audience. You’ll also be able to understand how to communicate your brand message once you clearly know who you are talking to. 

If you need a little more guidance on defining your audience, click here for more info!

Ok, so now that you have taken your first 4 steps to launch your new business idea, then what do you do next?! Tune in for the next Podcast episode to find out! Follow the BRAND BLOOMPRINT podcast and never miss an episode!


xo Ashley + The Bloom Team

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