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20 Opt-in Freebie Ideas to Inspire You To Create Your Own



Let’s be real, in today’s world, potential clients and visitors to your website need a little incentive before choosing to subscribe to your mailing list. Giving away your email nowadays is something we don’t do as freely as we used to as there is just so much spam marketing out there. 

But what if you had something to offer your potential client – something completely FREE that would allow them to have a quick WIN and get to know & fall in love with you all at the same time? This, my friend, is called a FREEBIE.  

Your goal as an entrepreneur is to guide your potential clients through a journey that allows them to DISCOVER YOU, LIKE YOU…and then TRUST YOU.  Once you bring them all the way to trust…well then, it will be inevitable for them to become a paying client and decide to purchase your offering. But we need to start at the beginning. So you’ve managed to have your client DISCOVER you, and perhaps they found you on Social Media or they landed on your website, now your mission is to get this mysterious visitor onto your mailing list, so you can begin a relationship together.

I’m sure you know this already, but growing your email list is one of the most important steps to building your business – especially when marketing online.  Even if you are present on social media and have a huge following, or a shop on Etsy for example with lots of buyers, you don’t own any of the information or contact details for your followers. If ever you lost your accounts somehow or these platforms shut down, your business would suffer greatly. So this is why it’s incredibly important to focus on growing your mailing list and nurturing the people who have chosen to give you their precious emails.

So how do you create a high-converting FREEBIE?

An opt-in freebie or lead magnet is simply a piece of content that provides a quick, high-value solution to a problem they may be facing right now, that also aligns directly with a paid product or service you offer. You need to think of it as a natural progression upward – that this potential client will download your freebie, experience you and your brand – and hopefully, be motivated to purchase your next offer!  This is why it’s SO Important to really know your client avatar and be in tune with what their struggles are and HOW you can be there to solve them with your offers. (Want to learn more about discovering your dream client avatar? Click here for our article on that)

Types of Opt-In Freebies

There are so many fun and unique ways to create a freebie for your audience! Think of what they would love the most and what is most feasible for you to create.


Here are 20 opt-in freebie ideas to get you inspired:

  1. Checklist or PDF Guide

  2. Audio File (think free meditation or audio lesson)

  3. Free challenge

  4. Mini-course

  5. Webinar

  6. Templates

  7. Worksheet

  8. Step-by-Step Plan

  9. Free trial

  10.  Email course (like a 3 part email series)

  11.  Swipe files

  12.  Roundup of resources

  13.  Video tutorial

  14.  Free coaching call

  15.  Free consultation

  16.  Discount code

  17.  eBook

  18.  Worksheet

  19.  Printables

  20.  Workshop access


How to make your opt-in freebie irresistible?

Focus on creating content that provides your audience with high value and a quick WIN. They need to be able to walk away with your freebie and truly learn something or benefit from it right away.  

Also keep in mind that an irresistible freebie also needs to be beautifully designed and match the aesthetic of your brand! The actual look and feel of your freebie will be one of the first things that these potential clients will notice before they decide if they want to buy what you’re selling.  So this opt-in freebie needs to provide an amazing first impression about you and your brand. 


Do you need help creating and designing your opt-in freebie?

Don’t fret lovely, we are here for you – as usual! If you’re ready to create an amazing opt-in freebie that converts for your audience – we invite you to simply reach out to us here. Tell us about  your business, and what type of freebie you’d like to create! We can help you from concept, to video or audio editing – all the way to designing the actual downloadable file or creating the email funnel for you.

If you would like to make it on your own! Wooohoo – all the power to you! For digital products like checklists or printables for example, you can definitely use Canva which is perfect for creating visual content. Simply download your design into a PDF format and you are good to go! If you are diving into a video or audio format, you can use recording tools like iMovie or Garageband (if you’re a mac user) to create these files too/

Promotional Graphics + Opt-in Design

Once your freebie is created, the next thing you want to do is create your promotional graphics and actual sign up form for your website! This needs to have the same overall aesthetic as your brand and truly captivate your audience. It’s all about your messaging and communicating to your potential customers to make them feel like you “get” them and you have the perfect solution to their problem with this freebie!

So make sure your sign up form looks amazing and you also have the backend automation within your email marketing platform (like Flodesk) to ensure your new subscribers receive a beautiful email right away with their free content.

We hope these opt-in freebie ideas give you inspiration to now move ahead with your very own! And if you already have one…what stops you from creating more? All the more reason for a new visitor to sign up for one of your freebies by providing them with different options to meet the needs of your potential clients.

Have fun with this and remember, we are here for you if you need creative & design help!


Bloom team

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